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274 projects found:
Title Award Number State Principal Investigator
Active Approach to Algebra 0929041 CA Borislava Gutarts
ACTMA 1543124 IL Roxana Hadad
Adding Value to MSP Evaluations 0233445 WI Norman Webb
Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated To Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP) 1238089 GA William Wepfer
Advancing HS CS 1640215 IL Lucia Dettori
AIM: K-8 Science 0928177 NC Eric Banilower
AIMS PreK-16 0227105 TX Lee Sloan
Alliance for Physics EXcellence (APEX) 1238192 AL Mostafa Dokhanian
Alternative Approaches to Evaluating STEM Education Partnerships 0231904 GA Gordon Kingsley
Appalachian MSP 0227028 KY Paul Eakin
Applied Research in Science Education 1050456 AZ James Sample
A Research+Practice Collaboratory 1238253 CA Bronwyn Bevan
Arizona Teacher Institute 0634532 AZ Daniel Madden
Assessing Teacher Learning About Science Teaching 0335328 NC Patrick Smith
A TIME for Physics First in Missouri 0928924 MO Meera Chandrasekhar
Atlantic Partnership for the Biological Sciences 0928417 MA Lisa Delissio
ATOMS Advancing Teaching of Math and Science 0928751 KS Edward Kremer
Barriers and Supports to Implementing CS 1339256 IL Sarah Wille
Big Sky Science Partnership 0634587 MT Tim Olson
Biomimetic Robots 1742127 MA Debra Bernstein
Boston Energy in Science Teaching (BEST) 0928666 MA Robert Chen
Boston Science Partnership 0412390 MA Hannah Sevian
Boundary Crossing Teams in Support of Math and Science Excellence 1050590 NY Sophia Maggelakis
BRAIN-STEM 0831959 MD Asamoah Nkwanta
Bringing a Rigorous Computer Science Principles Course to the largest School System in the United States 1441075 MA E. Paul Goldenberg
Building and Sustaining Research-Practice Partnerships 1408510 CO William Penuel
Building Bridges Between CS and Bio 1742446 MA Elizabeth Ryder
Building Capacity for Computer Science Teaching in a Rural State 1440464 ME Thomas Keller
Building Evaluation Capacity 0233382 UT Cathy Callow Heusser
Building Systems from Scratch 1542954 MA Gillian Puttick
CAMS 0314774 NJ Carlo Parravano
CAPACiTY 1639946 GA Marion Usselman
Causal Inference in Instructional Workforce Research 0335656 MI Mary M. Kennedy
CEEMS: Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics and Science Program 1102990 OH Anant Kukreti
CE in Schools of Education 1636881 NY Leigh DeLyser    
Change and Sustainability in Higher Education (CASHE) MD Nancy Shapiro
Chem+C 1543022 VA Deborah Tatar
Chicago Transformation Teacher Institutes 0928669 IL Donald Wink
Claflin University Start Partnership 1050678 SC George Miller
Cleveland MSP 0227082 OH Bill Badders
Coding for Educators 1640041 IL Rachel Adler
College Ready 0832091 AR Gay Stewart
Comp Hydro Project 1543228 CO John Moore
Computational Project-Based Learning 1543255 WA Philip Bell
Computational Thinking in the Ecosystems (CT-E) 1543144 NY Stephen Uzzo
computational weather forecasting 1640088 MA Carolyn Staudt
Computation in Science in MI 1741575 MI Marcos Daniel Caballero
Computer Modeling in Algebra 1543139 OH Arnulfo Perez
Computer Science Community Operating Entity Convening 1638460 NY Talia Milgrom-Elcott
Computer Science Roadtrip (CS Roadtrip) 1424325 CA Mike Marriner
Computing and Algebra 1535276 RI Shriram Krishnamurthi
Computing-Based Science Investigations 1542982 RI Victor Fay-Wolfe
Computing with Electronic Textiles 1542801 UT Colby Tofel-Grehl
Creation and Dissemination of Upper-elementary Mathematics Assessment Modules 0831450 MA Heather Hill
Creative Robotics: an inclusive program for fostering diverse STEM talent in middle school 1321227 PA Illah Reza Nourbakhsh
CS10K: C-START: Colorado - STrategic Approach to Rally Teachers 1543231 CO Tracy Camp
CS 10K: Leading the Way to CS10K: Assessing a Just-in-Time PD Approach for Teacher Knowledge Growth in CS 2 1502462 MI Aman Yadav
CS10K: Prioritizing and Expanding Access to Computer Science Instruction in High-needs High Schools 1542737 NY Joseph Wilson
CS10K: Training Arkansas Computing Teachers (TACT) 1543195 AR Dale Thompson
CS Matters in Maryland 1339265 MD Marie desJardins
CT and Modeling with ELs 1742138 NY Okhee Lee
CT in Biology 1742373 NY J Bennington
CT-infused Physics 1640791 MD Robert Hilborn
CT in Global Challenges 1741999 IL Jesse Dixon
CT in Informal 6-12 Education 1639915 WI Michael Hladilek
CT in Preschool Math 1640135 MA Marisa Wolsky
CT in Science Teacher Ed 1639891 MD Diane Ketelhut
Cultivating Diverse Talent In STEM 1321190 AZ Uwe Hilgert
Culturally-Based CT and Science 1640014 NY Ron Eglash
Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy (LTER) 0832173 CO John Moore
Curriculum and Community Enterprise for New York Harbor Restoration in New York City Public Schools 1440869 NY Lauren Birney
Curriculum Design Study 1640039 FL Xin Yuan
Data Connections 1050667 NE Walter Stroup
Debugging by Design 1742140 PA Yasmin Kafai    
Deepening Math Content Knowledge 0227603 NY Judith Fonzi
Designing for Equity by Thinking in and about Mathematics 1321216 MA Albert Cuoco
Developing Distributed Leadership 0335429 IL James Spillane
Developing Making Projects to ECTL 1722504 CO Molly Shea
Digital Forensics Science Learning 1640107 LA Eoghan Casey
Distributed Leadership for Middle School Mathematics Education: Content Area Leadership Expertise in Practice 0412510 IL James Spillane
EBP: Computer Science Principles and Students with Learning Differences 1542963 IL Sarah Wille
EBP: Digital NEST: Building Pathways to Computing Education and Careers for Latino/a Youth 1543001 CA Jill Denner
EcoMOD 1639545 MA Christopher Dede
ED MSP Program Ellen Bobronnikov
Effect of STEM Faculty Engagement in MSP: A Longitudinal Perspective 0335905 MD Xiaodong Zhang
Effects of CT Games 1639576 WA Zoran Popovic
Elementary STEM Curriculum 1542842 FL Lisa Milenkovic
Elementary Teachers Engaged in Authentic Math and Science 1321319 TX James Silliman
El Paso 0227124 TX Susana Navarro
e-Mentoring for Student Success 0227184 VA Gerald Wheeler
ENGAGE: Game-based CT and MS Science 1640141 NC James Lester
EngineersTomorrow 0831698 MA Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh
EngrTEAMS: Engineering to Transform the Education of Analysis, Measurement, and Science in a Team-Based Targeted Mathematics-Science Partnership 1238140 MN Tamara Moore
Enhancing Science Education in Northeastern Kentucky 0831901 KY Douglas Dennis
EnLiST 0831820 IL Mats Selen
Envisioning Quality Science Assessments 0237653 DC Stuart Elliott
(ES)2 0832049 PA Stephen Madigosky
ESCAPE: Equitable Science Curriculum Integrating Arts in Public Education 1321343 CA Bradley Hughes
Examination of Factors that Influence Long-term Sustainability of MSP Partnership Projects 1321306 MD Joy Frechtling
Expanding Pathways into Computer Science 1441080 SD Bentley Sayler
Expanding the Reach of AP CSP Curricula 1547051 IL Andrew Isaacs
Facilitating Mathematics/Science Partnerships 0236511 DC Jay Labov
FICSIT 1339200 MA Philip Sadler
Florida Science and Mathematics Education Summit 0451272 FL Gerry Meisels
FOCUS 0227202 CA Eric Saltzman
Focus on Mathematics 0314692 MA Glenn Stevens
Focus on Mathematics, Phase II: Learning Cultures for High Student Achievement 0928735 MA Glenn Stevens
Fulcrum Institute for Education in Science 0412456 MA Judah L. Schwartz
Geneticist-Educator Network of Alliances (GENA) Project 0634175,0634296,0634297 DC,MD,VA Michael Dougherty
Global Environmental Change and Local Ecosystems 0928608 KS Joy Ward
Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership 0632522 AL John Mayer
Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership Phase II Research 0928665 AL John Mayer
Great Valley Math and Science Partnership 0929023 CA Dirk Baron
HR-PAL: Hampton Roads Partnership for Algebra 1050387 VA Jale Akyurtlu
IAS/PCMI 0314808 NJ Phillip Griffiths
IDATA: Accessible Tools for Astronomy 1640131 DC Timothy Spuck
I-ECS 1240809 NY Stephanie Ludi
iEvolve with STEM: Inquiry and Engagement to Invigorate and Optimize Learning for Everyone 1238136 OH William Midden
Impact of MSP Professional Development on the Quality of Instruction in Middle-School Mathematics & Science Classrooms 0929191 DC Kwang Suk Yoon
Improving Science and Math Education in the USVI 0831990 VI Jennifer Spillman
Indiana University -Indiana Mathematics Initiative Partnership 0227269 IN Maynard Thompson
Informal STEM Teaching and Learning 1640228 ID Dazhi Yang
InSPECT 1640054 MA Sherry Hsi
Institute for Chemistry Literacy through Computational Science (ICLCS) 0634423 IL Thom Dunning
Integrating computing in STEM 1742332 SC Jennifer Albert
International Teacher-Scientist Partnership Conference 1247936 CA Katherine Nielsen
Investigating Mathematical Modeling, Experiential Learning and Research 1441024 VA Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Investigating the Measurement and Development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching 0927725 MI Geoffrey Phelps
Iowa STEM Education Evaluation (I-SEE): Navigating the Iowa STEM Roadmap 1238211 IA Jeffrey Weld
K-12 CS Leadership Conference 1542965 IL Michael Lach
Knowledge Management and Dissemination 0445398 NC Joan Pasley
Leadership Content Knowledge and Math Instructional Quality 0335384 MA Barbara Nelson
LEADERS: Leadership for Educators: Academy for Driving Economic Revitalization in Science 0927996 OH Kevin Czajkowski
Learning Mathematics for Teaching 0335411 MI Heather Hill
Learning Trajectories for K-5 CS and Math 1542828 IL Andrew Isaacs
Linking Student Mathematics Achievement to Instruction Content 0831581 MI William Schmidt
Longitudinal Design 0233505 DC Rolf Blank
Louisiana Math and Science Teacher Institute 0928847 LA James Madden
LTEC: CT in Elementary Math 1742466 IL Maya Israel
Maine Physical Sciences Partnership 0962805 ME Susan McKay
Maine's Energy Future, Maine's Educational Future 0928476 ME Mary Schwanke
Maker Partnership 1742320 NY Cheri Fancsali
Making Mathematical Reasoning Explicit 1050397 WA Libby Knott
Math and Science Partnership in New York City (MSPinNYC) 0412413 NY Pamela Mills
Math and Science Partnership Program Evaluation (MSP-PE) 0456995 MD Robert K. Yin
Mathematical ACES 0962778 CA Davida Fischman
Mathematical ACTS 0226948 CA Richard Cardullo
Mathematical and Computational Methods for Planning a Sustainable Future II 1503414 NJ Margaret Cozzens
Mathematically Connected Communities - Leadership Institute for Teachers 0928867 NM Patrick Morandi
Mathematician Study Group of State Standards in Mathematics 0411919 NJ Phillip Griffiths
Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Residency 1238157 NY Sherryl Graves
Mathematics Specialist Partnership Institute 0926537 VA William Haver
Math Infusion into Science Project Phase II 0927973 NY David Burghardt
Math in the Middle Institute Partnership 0412502 NE W. J. 'Jim' Lewis
MATH PAYS 0832011 VA Chris Allgyer
Math Teacher Transformation Institute 0832247 NY Robert Feinerman
Math TLC 0832026 CO Jodie Novak
Measuring Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Using Computerized Adaptive Testing 0634306 MI Stephen Schilling
Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MITEP) 0831948 MI William Rose
Middle Grades Earth and Space Science Education Partnership 0962792 PA Tanya Furman
Milwaukee MSP 0831615 WI DeAnn Huinker
Minority Led Program Partnership Model for Integration of NanoBiotechnology 0832129 AL Shaik Jeelani
Minority Student Pipeline MSP 0831970 MD Anisha Campbell
Misconception Oriented Standards-based Assessment Resource for Teachers (MOSART) Phase II 0926272 MA Philip Sadler
MOBILIZE: Mobilizing for Innovative Computer Science Teaching and Learning 0962919 CA Deborah Estrin
MOSART-LS 0830922 MA Philip Sadler
MOSART: Misconception Oriented Standards-based Assessment Resource for Teachers 0412382 MA Philip Sadler
Motivation and CT for MS Students 1640178 IN Alka Harriger
MSPGP 0314806 PA F. Joseph Merlino
MSPinNYC2 -- MSP in New York City 2 1102729 NY Pamela Mills
MSP Learning Network Conference 1143844 NE Lance Perez
MSP Motivation Assessment Program 0335369 MI Stuart Karabenick
MSP - Motivation Assessment Program II (MSP-MAP II): Teacher Motivation in Professional Development 0928103 MI Stuart Karabenick
MSP of SW Pennsylvania 0314914 PA Nancy Bunt
MSTP 0314910 NY David Burghardt
NanoBio Science Partnership for Alabama Black Belt Region 1102997 AL Shaik Jeelani
NCOSP 0315060 WA George Nelson
NC-PIMS 0226877 NC Verna L. Holoman
Nebraska Math 0831835 NE W. J. 'Jim' Lewis
New Jersey MSP 0226989 NJ William Firestone
Next Gen Problem Solvers 1639850 CA Ximena Dominguez
NJ Partnership for Excellence in Middle School Mathematics 0934079 NJ Amy Cohen
NURTURES: Networking Urban Resources with Teachers and University to enRich Early Childhood Science 1102808 OH Charlene Czerniak
Online Technologies to Enhance MSPs 0335360 MA Glenn Kleiman
Oregon Mathematics Leadership Institute Partnership 0412553 OR Thomas Dick
Pathways to Calculus 1050721 AZ Marilyn Carlson
PD4CS: Leading the Way to CS10K 1339245 IN Aman Yadav
Physics and Programming 1640199 TN Gautam Biswas
PIRE: Crafting Optimal Learning in Science Environments 1545684 MI Barbara Schneider
PISA2: Partnership to Improve Student Achievement in Physical Sciences 0962772 NJ Keith G. Sheppard
Poincare Institute: A Partnership for Mathematics Education 0962863 MA Montserrat Teixidor-i-Bigas
Power of Physical Sciences 0927548 NY Kurtis Fletcher
Preparing Virginia's Mathematics Specialist 0412324 VA Aimee Ellington
PRIME 0227521 SD Ben Sayler
Priming the PUMP 1339392 WI Dennis Brylow
PRISM 0314953 GA Sheila Jones
PRISM Phase II 0831774 GA Sabrina Hessinger
Project Aspire: Defining and Assessing Mathematical Knowledge For Teaching Secondary Mathematics 1050595 AZ Patrick Thompson
Project Engage 1441009 TX David Allen
Project MAST 0831921 MS Mehri Fadavi
Project Pathways: A Math and Science Partnership Program for Arizona Targeted Project Track 0412537 AZ Marilyn Carlson
Promoting Excellence in Arizona Middle School Mathematics 1103080 AZ April Strom
PROM/SE 0314866 MI William H. Schmidt
PS3 0315041 CA Kurt McMullin
Puerto Rico MSP 0314557 PR Michelle Borrero
PULSE 0929061 WI Gary Wood
QUEST CT 1543258 CA Youwen Ouyang
RAPID: SInRGI: A Shared, Integrated Resource for Global Impact 1637601 CA Julia Bernd
Redesign of the AP 0332223 NY Howard Everson
Reinvigorating Elementary Science through a Partnership with CA Teachers (RESPeCT) 1321242 CA Nicole Wickler
Re-Making STEM 1742369 MA Brian Gravel, Eli Tucker-Raymond
Research-in-Instruction Lab 1050953 MI Mark Thames
Research on MSP Teacher Recruitment, Induction, Retention 0335442 CA Edward Britton
Research on Practice Using STEM Inquiry 1543061 MD Andrew Elby
REvitalizing ALgebra 0226972 CA Diane Resek
Rice University Mathematics Leadership Institute 0412072 TX John Polking
RITES 0831974 RI Daniel Murray
Rocky Mountain Middle School Math Science Partnership 0412343 CO Doris Kimbrough
Role of Experimentation in STEM Education Research Projects 0701867 CA Michael E. Martinez
SAMSEP 0832031 TX J. Aaron Cassill
SCALE 0227016 WI Terrence Millar
Scholarship Support for the 2016 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 1615356 NY Valerie Taylor
Science and Math Applied Real-problem Teaching (SMART) 0928971 NY Sean Bentley
Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative 0802359 DC Howard Gobstein
Science Learning through Engineering Design (SLED) 0962840 IN Alyssa Panitch
SciGirls Code 1543209 MN Joan Freese
SCOLLARCITY 0226962 NY Osman Yasar
SF Bay Integrated Middle School Science Project 0962804 CA Jeffrey Seitz
SIRC 0227122 MO Edward Macias
SparkFun 1742053 CO Tamara Sumner
Spatial Thinking Curriculum 1543204 CA Steven Moore
Standards Mapped Graduate Education and Mentoring 0412342 FL Heinz-Otto Peitgen
STARK County MSP 0226986 OH Robert Bayer
STEM Achievement in Baltimore Elementary Schools (SABES) 1237992 MD Michael Falk
STEMCLIFE 1543175 IN Monica Cardella
STEM+Computing Literacy 1656124 OR Monae Verbeke
STEM Education for All: Building a Vision for Sustaining Innovation and Prosperity 0928522 ID Amy Moll
STEM Integration Modules 1543136 MA Joyce Malyn-Smith
STEPP 1741756 TX Midori Kitagawa
Strengthening Science Teacher Preparation 0831950 DC Howard Gobstein
Student Outcomes of AMSP 0830716 KY Eugenia Toma
Students Discover: Improving Middle School STEM Outcomes through Scaling Citizen Science Projects 1319293 NC Robert Dunn
Sustaining Responsive and Rigorous Teaching Based on Carbon 1440988 MI Charles Anderson
TASEL-M 0227303 CA David Pagni
TASEL-M Phase 2 0929076 CA Paul DeLand
Teachers and Engineers Collaborating in STEM Elementary Teacher Preparation 1440446 IA Joanne Olson
Teachers And Scientists Collaborating 0227035 NC Gary Ybarra
Teaching Coding in Science and Math 1741910 GA Timothy Foutz
TEAM-Math 0314959 AL W. Gary Martin
Tech Curriculum in STEM and CT 1742195 CA Kevin McElhaney
Technical Evaluation Assistance in Mathematics and Science (TEAMS) 1238120 NH John Sutton
TERC MSPnet 1240555 MA Joni Falk
Texas Middle and Secondary Math 0227128 TX Kimberly Childs
Thinking Outside the Box 1543062 CA Shuchi Grover
Think Math + C 1741792 MA E. Paul Goldenberg
Track 2 CS10K: Accelerate ECS4ALL 1542971 IL Lucia Dettori
Track 2 CS10K: Expanding CS Curriculum, Diversity, and Teacher Preparedness in Montana High Schools 1543156 MT Yolanda Reimer
Track 2 EBP: Toward Using Virtual Identities in Computer Science Learning for Broadening Participation 1542970 MA D. Fox Harrell
Transforming Academic and Cultural Identidad through Biliteracy 1321339 CA Mark Ellis
UB/BPS Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership 1102998 NY Joseph Gardella
U-FUTuRES: University of Florida Unites Teachers to Reform Education in Science 1050166 FL Lynda Hayes
UMBC-BCPS STEM Project 0514420 MD Anne Spence
University of Pennsylvania Science Teachers Institute 0412404 PA Larry Gladney
UTeachEngineering 0831811 TX David Allen
Vermont Mathematics Partnership 0227057 VT Kenneth Gross
VIP K-16 0227325 MD Nancy Shapiro
Washington University Life Sciences Teacher Institute 0634470 MO Barbara Schaal
Western KY MSP 0832115 KY Heather Johnson
Western Massachusetts Mathematics Partnership 1050627 MA George Avrunin
What Features of the Exploring Computer Science Course Equitably Inspire Students to Pursue Further Computer Science Coursework? 1543217 IL Steven McGee
Whole-School Model for CT 1640201 IL Uri Wilensky
Woksape Kici Woitinze - Support for Knowledge 1461479 SD Charles Tinant
WT Middle School Math Partnership 0831420 TX Gary Harris
